How To Make Foolproof Chocolate Peanut Butter Keto Fat Bombs


Foolproof Chocolate Peanut Butter Keto Fat Bombs
Foolproof Chocolate Peanut Butter Keto Fat Bombs

How To Make Foolproof Chocolate Peanut Butter Keto Fat Bombs

These  Foolproof  Chocolate Peanut Butter Keto Fat Bombs are amazing. I tried to make fat bombs once before. I used coconut oil and sugar-free hazelnut coffee flavoring.  They  were an abomination. The hazelnut flavor globed up in little bubbles. So not every bite had any sweetness.  They were too hard to eat. It was a total failure. That’s why I have never made them again.  Not even these ones. Nope, My girlfriend Serenity made these. 

She said it was super easy and wrote down her recipe. So easy even a caveman like me could do make them. Little did she know I would take her hand written recipe and make it into a blog post. She’s probably turning red right now reading this. 

What Are Fat Bombs?

Fat bombs are little hight fat treats. Usually made from a combination of coconut oil, nuts and seeds and butter. They are created by some anonymous genius and has spawned thousands of recipes. They are a much loved low carb, keto and paleo staple. 

Why Eat Fat Bombs?

When transitioning to a lower carb diet many miss the occasional sweet treat. Also, they are under-eating and not getting  enough fat in. Fat bombs solve both of those problems. 

When I am really tracking my macro numbers I shoot for about 80% of my calories from fat. To get that high you sometimes need to add in meals and snacks made almost entirely from fat. In the winter my go to is Paleo Coconut Curry Soup.  

I found a good post on why Fat bombs are healthy.  I covered the heightened brain functions I had on my 3 day fast post. Eating more fat helps you  get into and stay in ketosis. Once in ketosis, your body will use ketones as its main fuel source. Ketones are beneficial to a host of body functions.  

Foolproof Chocolate Peanut Butter Keto Fat Bombs

So give Serenity’s Foolproof Chocolate Peanut Butter Keto Fat Bombs a try. If by chance you don’t like the taste of stevia you can try xylitol. It is a natural no calorie sweetener that even Couch Potato Mike Likes. It has no after taste or bitterness. In fact, it tastes just like sugar. Which is why I don’t like it.  It is less sweet than stevia so you will have to use more of it. Just be careful with using too much. You will get disaster pants if you overdue it.  



Foolproof Chocolate Peanut Butter Keto Fat Bombs
Delicious Peanut Butter Keto Fat Bombs
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  1. 1/2 Cup Coconut OIl
  2. 1/2 Cup Peanut Butter
  3. 2~3 TBSP Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
  4. 2~4 TBSP Stevia
  5. Splash of Vanilla Extract (Optional)
  1. In a saucepan on low heat melt the coconut oil.
  2. Add in the peanut butter.
  3. Stir in Cocoa powder.
  4. Stir in the stevia powder.
  5. Remove from the heat and add the vanilla extract.
  6. Pour into molds or a muffin tin.
  7. Freeze for 30 minutes to set them
  8. Remove from molds and place in freezer baggies to store.
  1. To mix use an electric hand mixer to avoid clumps.
  2. Grease the molds with coconut oil for easy removal of the fat bombs.




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22 Replies to “How To Make Foolproof Chocolate Peanut Butter Keto Fat Bombs”

  1. TinMan

    Man… how timely is this…
    One month ago I started on a ‘Ketogenic’ diet.I was hesitant because I’m a carb freak… having potatoes, rice or pasta or with bread at every meal has been a staple of my lifelong diet…. I have seen the light. Once I cut the carbs from my diet and stayed Ketogenic, I didn’t crave the carbs like I thought I would. I also gave up all carbonated beverages. I have lost over 30 pounds. I feel great and my elevated blood pressure has returned to normal without medications.
    I do crave sweets… especially in the evening and have given in sparingly. I will try Serenity’s recipe, in fact, looking forward to it.
    Thank you (and Serenity)

  2. Serenity Phillips

    If you dont like the bitterness aftertaste of stevia just adjust it to 2 tablespoons stevia plus two tablesspoons of xylitol. Just tastes like sugar….and I havent noticed any poops.

    • Serenity Phillips

      Oh yeah if anyone falls upon this recipe new to fat bombs….store these in your freezer all the time and just take out one or two to eat or theyll melt because of the coconut oil.

  3. Shandeigh

    I’ve been having trouble getting the right sugar substitute, I don’t care for Stevia as it’s too bitter for me. They are staying blended well… Splenda floated to the top… Swerve sunk to the bottom. Xylitol has never been my friend so I haven’t even bothered trying that. They taste ok if I chew really really fast to get the sugar mixed in… any tips?

    • James Burnette

      I’ve only used stevia and xylitol. You can try a blend of both to try to cut the bitterness. I’ve eaten stevia for so long I don’t taste any bitterness

  4. Modified Mama Bear

    I’m a glad I found this! I am having SUCH a hard time getting all my far in every day, and as a newbie to keto I still don’t quite know all the tricks. I’m going to make these tonight, but my question is whether or not you know the macros info on them? If so, please do let me know so I can track appropriately. Thanks so much!
    P.s., the girlfriend sounds like a keeper. Just sayin’. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. Marsha

    Made these today and used Pyure as the sweetener. These are probably the best I have had. What is the carb count for these so I can figure it into my count?

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