Cauliflower Soup with Bacon

OK I have to put the spoon down long enough to write this article. Yes this stuff is that yummy. What stuff you ask? The cauliflower soup I just spent all morning making. It was so worth it too. I began with the intention to remake the O’Charley’s loaded potato soup so that it would fit within the confines of a Paleo diet. What I ended up with is delicious and easy. Two of my favorite things, throw in bacon…well then you have something magical. Let me show you how to make your own bowl of this delicious concoction.

Cauliflower Soup
Cauliflower Soup


To make this you will need the following ingredients:


  • Two stalks of celery
  • One carrot
  • Half an onion
  • Two cups of cauliflower
  • 1TSP garlic powder
  • Dash of chili pepper
  • 3 Cups of Coconut Milk
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • Bacon and lots of it. (I used a half a package)
  • One chicken bullion cube

Mies en Plas

First get your mies en plas, which is a fancy French term for gettin your ducks in a row (basically). Dice your celery which should be equal to about one cup, carrot and half an onion. I put all that in a bowl and set aside.

Bacon! Look at those Curves!
Bacon! Look at those Curves!

Next is the most important ingredient. BACON! The most powerful weapon in the paleo arsenal. For this we will roughly chop up the bacon. Take your chopped bacon and put in a pot big enough to hold all your ingredients. I cook the bacon on medium heat until its browned and there is almost no fat left on the bacon. we will be using all the bacon fat in the soup.

Once all the bacon has rendered remove it and place on paper towels to drain. Reduce the heat to medium low and add all the onion, celery carrot and cauliflower. Mix this well for a few minutes.  Don’t let any of your ingredients brown . Next add your coconut milk and seasonings. Bring to a boil then reduce the heat, cover and simmer for 30~40 minutes.

Cooking the soup
Cooking the soup

Next your going to want to blend your soup. I highly recommend an immersion blender. In fact i wish i had one. Instead I had to blend a little at a time in my food processor. Once blended pour into a bowel and garnish with some bacon. Enjoy.

Cauliflower Soup
Cauliflower Soup

How close to the taste?

My goal was to try to replicate the loaded potato soup while making it paleo approved. I give this recipe the 100% paleo approved stamp. I avoided adding cheese, which is very abundant in the real deal. Using to cauliflower keeps the flavor similar to potatoes but are much healthier. The texture of this dish was spot on. As for the flavor it was freaking yummy! I devoured a bowl while writing this. At some points I thought I was eating potato soup. I’m not going to lie though, it was lacking the cheese flavor that kicks the soup up to the next notch. If you have no cheese issues toss some in there. If not it’s still a great bowl of soup sure to warm your soul on a cold morning while providing great nutrition. This will become a regular dish I make especially during the colder months.

Give this recipe a try and let me know what you think? Have some improvements? Let me know in the comments!


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6 Replies to “Cauliflower Soup with Bacon”

  1. danny

    hi there, Im not big on cauliflower, but that soup looks like it would be delicious. Ill have to try it, thanks for your recipe. have a wonderful and blessed day man.

  2. Joe

    I’m not a big soup eater. Except for a good chowder. But this looks and sounds screamin!
    I’m making this…
    Oh ya… Congrats on the 3rd place win on the 13/13 blog contest!

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