Hat Giveaway!
Contest Time! Everyone likes free stuff right? Of course they do. I have this fine Smith & Wesson M&P hat. I have enough hats and I don’t own an M&P […]
Getting a Type 3 FFL
Today I have a guest post from Dave over at TnGun.com. Dave has a ton of great Youtubevideos that are definitely worth checking out. Enjoy learning how to get a […]
Baking in the Bathroom – Oil and Salt
OIL I’m talking plant oils here, so no mineral oil, petroleum, etc. There are tons to choose from, all having different nutrients and properties to offer. I generally use/start […]
Gardening, How To's, Uncategorized
PVC Pea Trellises
We’ve been gardening for a few years now, but we still don’t quite have it right. We discover new problems and new solutions every year. This past year I decided […]
Laundry Part II: Fabric Softener
Another quick and simple post! We ran out of softener recently and I figured, if I make my own detergent, why not make softener? After consulting the great Google, I […]
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