Hat Giveaway!

Contest Time! Everyone likes free stuff right? Of course they do. I have this fine Smith & Wesson M&P hat. I have enough hats and I don’t own an M&P anyway. To enter the contest is easy. Go by the Facebook page and like it if you have not. Upload a picture of yourself and tag @Survivalpunk in it. The photo with the most likes by next Sunday night wins a free hat. That’s it just upload and tag us then kick back have a drink. Good luck everyone can’t wait to see those awesome photos!








Getting a Type 3 FFL

Today I have a guest post from Dave over at TnGun.com. Dave has a ton of great Youtubevideos that are definitely worth checking out. Enjoy learning how to get a Type 3 FFL C&R license.

I want to take a quick couple of minutes to talk to you about a way for the average citizen to receive a lot of the benefits of having a federal firearms license without having to deal with the zoning issues, business license hassles, and everything else that goes along with running a commercial firearm license.

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Baking in the Bathroom – Oil and Salt


OIL  I’m talking plant oils here, so no mineral oil, petroleum, etc.  There are tons to choose from, all having different nutrients and properties to offer.  I generally use/start with Olive Oil simply because it’s abundant in this house, but I have used Grapeseed Oil (lighter, good for damaged skin), Coconut oil (solid at room temp, great alone as a skin moisturizer), and Jojoba (closest to human sebum) to name a few.  Drop by your local grocery store to get started right away.  When you are ready to expand your collection, check out Mountain Rose Herbs for more.

SALT  Yeah, salt.  This article is mostly about oil, but salt does a great job of exfoliating rough/dry skin.  There are many gourmet salts on the market, but plain old NaCl will do.  You could branch out with sea salt (it’s softer) and epsom salt (not for consumption), but this is about using what you have, so, use what you have!

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PVC Pea Trellises

We’ve been gardening for a few years now, but we still don’t quite have it right. We discover new problems and new solutions every year. This past year I decided I wanted to grow peas, they are a favorite of mine, but I quickly discovered my 4 3′ rows were not enough. On top of that, the “trellis” we threw together was just crap. This year I put out a little money and made trellises out of PVC piping. I didn’t recycle anything, but it was cheap, quick and should last at least a few seasons. This is the kind of thing you could gather supplies for from yardsales, craigslist, or freecycle earlier in the season to make it even cheaper.

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Laundry Part II: Fabric Softener

Another quick and simple post!

We ran out of softener recently and I figured, if I make my own detergent, why not make softener?  After consulting the great Google, I found this article.  As with the detergent, there are many variations…y’know, experiment.

6 cups water
3 cups white vinegar
2 cups hair conditioner


  • Pour all of the ingredients into a 1 gallon jug. Stir or slosh around to mix. Shaking will create bubbles.
  • Use as you would store bought softener. If you prefer dryer sheets, spray a washcloth with the softener and pop it in the dryer.

That’s it!!

I’m not sure how it happened, but we have a surplus of conditioner, so this was an excellent find for me.  You can use any conditioner you like the scent of, and I would guess the cheaper, simpler brands would work better.  You don’t need stuff like panthenol (it coats) or straightening ingredients.  If you clip coupons, you can get Suave super cheap if you use one during a sale.  Even if you don’t it’s still cheap.

What should I write about next week?  Do you guys like cleaning tips and recipes?  Or move on to another subject?  I’ve amassed a lot of information, but of course, I would like to write about stuff people are interested in.  Leave a comment!