Open carry vs. Concealed
This is a topic with a pretty big divide. I’ve seen people who vehemently support their side of choice. Each has it’s own communities and culture associated with how you […]
My Top Holiday Gift Picks
Today I’m going to pick my top picks for Christmas gifts. This will not be the average survival holiday list. The Scope of Survivalpunk is too big to be contained […]
National Preparedness Month Giveaways
I have a huge announcement for you today. September is National Preparedness Month. It was conceived in 2004 by Fema to promote becoming more prepared. I like to use this […]
Special Announcement: Guest Appearance on Porc Therapy
Last week I had an opportunity to chat with Stephanie Murphy on her Porc Therapy podcast. Porc Therapy is a podcast about happiness and Freedom, two things you can never […]
Unexpected Adventures
I love it when the unexpected happens. This year has had a lot of unexpected awesomeness happen. I’ve learned to just go with it and enjoy the ride. Let me […]
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