National Preparedness Month

National Preparedness Month

September is National Preparedness Month as declared by FEMA. I’ll take it anyway. It’s like a month long celebration to being a prepper. They make a big push to get America more prepared. When the gov does something good even an anarchist like me will admit it. Anyone spreading the message of preparedness is good with me. For those just getting into prepping they have a lot of resource at their site. I have my own way of celebrating it. Sorry I won’t be recreating my previous years month long giveaway. Well I do have  a few things so keep your eyes out. No for me National Preparedness Month means taking stock of things.


National Preparedness Month
National Preparedness Month

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Tiny House

Experiences In A Tiny House

I was thinking about my time spent living in two tiny sheds recently. I realized It was a story I briefly mentioned on a podcast once. Today I’m going to go into it a bit more. I think there are a lot of lessons from the tiny house experience. It was from summertime to winter that I lived in 2 10×8 sheds. From both a construction viewpoint to a tiny house living one I learned so much. The reason I got to thinking about it was a conversation with my buddy Dave from TnGun.  It was about me not freezing to death this winter. I laughed at the idea. The Survivalpunk will not be freezing and I have the history to prove it. So let’s get into the story.

Tiny House
Tiny House

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Mountain Dew Lantern Survival Myth

Survival Myths From The Internet

The internet is full of bull shit. Misunderstandings and outright hoaxes. While some are harmless and fun. No one would get hurt trying to build a boulder made of legos. Myths in the survival realm could get you killed. In the past I’ve done a bit of myth busting from time to time. I’m a skeptic now and generally disbelieve everything until I try it. This leads to finding out what works and what doesn’t.  Some things are just plain dumb. So let the Myth busting begin.

Mountain Dew Lantern Survival Myths
Mountain Dew Lantern

Mountain Dew Lantern

This set off my B.S meter the first time I saw it. This survival myth was on some camping hacks list. I tried to find it to link to but don’t see it around anymore. The idea is to add baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to some Mountain Dew. The result is a chemical reaction that makes it glow. I remember the seeing that and loosing credibility in the rest of the list. There was no way that could work. None of those ingredients could produce  chemiluminescence. At the time I saw it I happened to have all those things lying around. It of course did nothing It was just another survival myth.


In TEOTWAWKI I’ll Lose Weight

Nope probably not. I’ve heard this often. I’l be fat now and when the shit hits the fan I’ll lose weight. This is usually based on having a higher workload during a collapse and living off stored food. Well if you have been following the advice of eat what you store and store what you eat probably not. You’ll be eating highly processed food. Which is why your fat now. If your not gardening now trying to start it then won’t work. Many won’t be able to make the switch. Most prepare to preserve their life style. Im sure you have entertainment backed up. Many will continue to eat and watch movies will they run out of food and are then crewed. Too late to make a change. Get fit and active now


Survival Myths

There are so many survival myths we can’t cover them all. In the past I’ve tackled some of the big ones. As new ones come up I’l be there with my survival myth busting axe to destroy them. Do you have any favorite ones? Any new ones that have just came out? Let me know in the comments.


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Safety Hazard Big Survival Knives

Big Survival Knives

There are two kinds of survivalist in this world. Ones that use big survival knives and ones that uses axes. You may have them both but generally prefer one. I am a big survival knife guy. I’ve never cared much for axes. I’ve used a few and will use one often in the future.  In fact I just bought my first axe. It will not be going out camping with me ever. I prefer to use big survival knives to process wood. Let me share some of the reasons why with you.


Buck Hoodlum big survival knives
Buck Hoodlum

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Porta Potty Waste

Dealing With Waste During A Disaster

This is the second part to our waste management series. It’s a dirty topic but it needs to be dealt with. The first part was all about toilet paper. I covered everything you could want to know about keeping a clean behind in a grid down situation. Everything from the short term to the long term and sustainable. So we covered the wiping aspect now what do we do with the waste? I have a few thoughts on it. Everything from the short term to long term. So let’s deal with this waste.

Porta Potty  Waste
Porta Potty

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