
  • Now

    What is Survivalpunk?

    What is Survivalpunk and who the hell is this James guy? I realized last night I hit the ground running with the blog without ever explaining who I am and […]

  • secession map

    Success at Secession?

    I have seen a lot of news recently on states ceding from the Nation. My Facebook feed has been filled with news links, and commentary on it. Lots of commentary. […]

  • Rude Awakening

    Today I have a short rant on why you should be better organized.  I’ll tell you why not being very organized cost me a few hours of sleep. I’ll tell […]

  • Myan

    The End is Near, But not Today!

    I had a different post planned for today but decided to say something about the election. To cover both the good and the bad. I usually try to leave the […]

  • Facebook 1k likes giveaway!

    Today I am kicking off a giveaway! To celebrate hitting One thousand likes on Facebook I’m giving out  a  prize! Who doesn’t like free stuff right? I asked one of […]

nutrient survival
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