Happy Holidays From Survivalpunk
I was going to write a normal post for today. At the last minute though I decided we both have better things to do. Whatever you believe in, Christmas, Chaunaka, […]
Gun Control and Shopping Sprees!
The news is full of gun control talk right now in the aftermath of the newest shooting. Facebook has been awash with pro and anti gun sentiments. It seems that […]
Open carry vs. Concealed
This is a topic with a pretty big divide. I’ve seen people who vehemently support their side of choice. Each has it’s own communities and culture associated with how you […]
Politicians are Scumbags
Like many bloggers this is not the article i had planned for today. I felt I needed to say something about the tragic school shooting in Connecticut. I was hesitant […]
13 in Thirteen: No pain no Gain!
I know a lot of you are listeners to The Survival Podcast. As such I’m sure you may have heard about the new project Jack’s launching, his 13 in Thirteen […]
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