How To Make The Easiest Paleo Donuts That Taste Delicious
How To Make The Easiest Paleo Donuts That Taste Delicious I had a fan and good friend ask recently If I knew a recipe for paleo donuts. According […]
Steve’s Paleo Krunch Review: A Delicious Grainless Granola Bar
Steve’s Paleo Krunch Review I have wanted to try Steve’s Paleo krunch for a long time. Many things are added to my list of things to try. I eventually get […]
Sameplate For Finding A Love
As many of you know I am a single guy. Being such a great catch you may find this absurd. Well I am very picky and have some eccentricities. A […]
Exo Bars: Cricket Flour Protein Bars
I’ve talked about the Exo bars before. I wanted to try some but never got around to it. Recently I shot them an email to see if they would send […]
Paleo Pancakes Made Easy
I saw an image on the internet a while back about 2 ingredient pancakes. I don’t care much for recipes. I just went and tried it. Bananas and eggs were […]
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