Today I have a guest post for you on gun accessories you should buy. Enjoy
Accessories That Every First-Time Gun Owner Should Buy
In the current uncertain social and economic climate, non-gun owning Americans are quickly becoming firearm owners and exercising their Second Amendment right to its full glory. If you are one of those first-time gun owners, you may have noticed that there is an enormous selection of accessories to sift through, and figuring out what you need to complete your arsenal is challenging. Let’s look at the pieces you need to put this firearm puzzle together, so your new venture is not only enjoyable but cost-effective.
I’ve been watching a lot of youtube recently on homemade guns. One day I ended up on a video on accident of YouTuber Royal Nonesuch making a 50bmg.
I kept watching his channel for two reasons. One, I keep expecting him to get hurt. He seriously takes no safety precautions.
Secondly, that kid has some serious skills. He has come up with some pretty ingenious weapons. And he is much more entertaining than some all the other DIY gun YouTubers.
It got me thinking about making my own homemade guns. And the legality of doing so. I had always assumed that zip guns were illegal to make and own.
I decided to brush up on the subject to see what is legal and what isn’t. Happily, I can tell you that it is 100% legal to build homemade guns.
The rules you have to follow are pretty lenient. Basically, if you can own it you can build it. We will start off with all the legal mumbo jumbo before getting to the good stuff.
Recently I was asked about handgun carry options. A reader is going to get her concealed carry permit and wants to know the best way to carry for defense. She said that she wanted to carry it in a backpack. I cringed at that. I’m not a fan of backpack carry. Except for some of the AR 15 Backpacks. But that is a different story.
I’ll list several handgun carry options with a few that for women only. I mean unless a guy just wants to wear a bra holster. That ain’t none of my business.
Years ago I wrote about How Should You Store Your Magazines? In it, I debated whether storing loaded or unloaded was best. Three years later I have not changed my stance on that debate. When I’m asked, “should I keep my AR Mags loaded?” I answer Yes. Then I go on to explain the nuances. I felt like it was time to freshen up that article with a new presentation. Same info. Now that It has been turned into an infographic even a caveman can understand it.
Being Ready Vs. Spring Failure
The magazine storage debate stems from being ready vs spring failure. If you took the possibility of magazine failure off the table everyone would load all their magazines and store them loaded. How should you store your magazines would be a nonissue.
Having magazines loaded means that you are ready to use them in an instant. Even using stripper clips it’s still going to take you precious time to load just one magazine. Do you really want to be dicking around stuffing in ammo during an emergency?
The other side of the argument is spring failure. Metal under tension will weaken over time. So It is possible that if you left your magazines loaded over a long time you could have spring failure. And I’m sure someone will chime in with their mother’s, brother’s, sister’s, cousin’s, auntie’s, Uncle Barney’s, father’s, brother had a cousin from Killarney that left their magazines loaded and the spring went bad. Yes, it could happen. But it probably won’t.
The solution you’ll see explained in the How Should You Store Your Magazines Infographic. Enjoy and share with all your buddies so you can start arguments on the best way to store magazines.