How To Build A DIY Pocket Slingshot For Cheap


How To Build A DIY Pocket Slingshot For Cheap

I really like the design of the pocket shot. I want one. Badly. However, I am also a cheap ass. And $25 is a lot of money for a something I will just play with.

I have been working out a way to build a Pocket Slingshot from scratch. The only part that was tripping me up was the pouch part . I was overthinking it. Trying to use a heat gun to form one from rubber. 

Then a video from The King Of Random solved that part for me. Use a balloon.  

I tried to look around for a bigger balloon. Or a whoopie cushion that would have more power.  For version 2.0 I will add that and an arrow ring. 

This video is only the build video. It was so dark outside you wouldn’t be able to see any shooting. 

I’m already working out how to improve the design. The balloon worked great for small ammo. When I tried shooting an arrow it barely went 12 feet. 

I’m on the lookout for a stronger balloon to shoot further. Or to double up on the balloons. 

For shooting rocks and ball bearings it is very effective. I think it would be effective on small game at close distances.

It is well worth the $3 I spent building it. It’s a fun project.  


I have an Ebook on  Paleo Pumpkin  Recipes I worked really hard on for you. I would love for you to make some recipes from it and enjoy them. 

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