How To Make Bug Out Caches And Resupply Trips | episode 134

How To Make Bug Out Caches And Resupply Trips | episode 134
How To Make Bug Out Caches And Resupply Trips | episode 134

How To Make Bug Out Caches And Resupply Trips | episode 134


Mike returns to the podcast this week and we discuss  Bug Out Caches and resupply trips. 

Just to define a cache real fast.

  1. 1.
    a collection of items of the same type stored in a hidden or inaccessible place.
    “an arms cache”
  1. 1.
    store away in hiding or for future use.



Now that you know what a cache is you can see why we would want a  Bug Out Caches. 

In our case as preppers having extra stores away from our main preps just makes sense. 

Most Bug Out Bags are built to work for 72 hours. What happens if you need more supplies?

With caches, you can even carry less weight initially. 




  • Caches
  • Resupply trips
  • Mail drops
  • Scavenging excursions


  • Buried caches along all bug out routes. 
  • Staches at friends house and Vice versa
  • Use some geocaching techniques

Resupply trips

  • Have places marked on your bug out routes to resupply? Know which places have what. 
  • Know the lesser used locations
  • Mark the more dangerous places as ones to avoid. I.e A certain store gets robbed often. 
  • Have the numbers to be able to call ahead and check on availability. 

Mail drops

  • Like hiking the Appalachian train you can use mail drops in certain bug outs. 
  • If it’s a localized emergency. 
  • use mail drops to have things waiting for you. 
  • With amazon prime, you can have items delivered in two days or less.
  • Think last minute drops to a bol or hotel even. 

Scavenging excursions. 

  • Not just for when SHTF
  • Mark GPS locations of wild edibles along your bug out routes. 
  • Know game trails around your Bug Out Routes
  • You can cache hunting/ fishing and trapping items along the way. 
  • don’t rule out dumpster diving especially in urban areas. 

Mike Rant

Mike has a fun rant this week about feminist. 

Amazon Item Of The Day

The Amazon item today is the Olight H1R Nova


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