What guns you need for survival

What Guns You Need For Survival | episode 206

What guns you need for survival
What guns you need for survival

What Guns You Need For Survival | episode 206


This week I talk about What Guns You Need For Survival. It’s been a long time since we did a podcast on Survival guns. 

I start the show off with why you should own guns. And You definitely should. With things the way they are currently if you don’t own a firearm you need to get one. Or five. 

I talk about proper gun responsibility. 

All that and more in this newest installment of the Survival Punk Podcast. 


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How To Start Prepping

How To Start Prepping | episode 205

How To Start Prepping
How To Start Prepping


How To Start Prepping | episode 205

This week I go all the way back to basics with How to start prepping. This is a refresher for all us long time preppers and an intro for those that just started. 

I start by talking about the decision to start prepping. That’s the key first step. Next up is the rule of 3’s. 

  • 3 seconds without security
  • You can survive three minutes without breathable air (unconsciousness generally occurs), or in icy water.
  • You can survive three hours in a harsh environment (extreme heat or cold).
  • You can survive for three days without drinkable water.
  • You can survive three weeks without food.

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Mount Mckinley, Hiker, Snow, Landscape, Hiking, Nature

Survival Kits: What You Need to Survive in the Wilderness

Survival Kits: What You Need to Survive in the Wilderness

Because the F-35A kit is smaller and shaped differently than the ACES II kit, trying to fit the same cold weather components has been an opportunity to innovate for Eielson’s AFE Airmen.

You need a personalized, high-quality, and compact kit to help you survive while you are out in the woods. These tools and essentials should always be with you so that you can use them in times of need and emergencies. Read more about hiking checklists in this link here.

For an individual, the average time they should survive in the wilderness is about 72 hours. This means that they can consider themselves safe in the meantime when they can hunt for food and shelter during the first three days, whether they are in a rainforest or a desert. Here are some of the things that you need so that you can live and conquer the jungle.


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