Budgets For Survival

Budgets For Survival | episode 211

Budgets For Survival

This week Mike and I talk all about Budgets for survival. All while having drinks. A delicious non-alcoholic Guinness for me and the real deal for Mike. 

Who needs a budget? Right now everyone. Or at least everyone that’s going to be listening to this show.  Were heading into real tough times and having a budget so you can control your expenses is vital. 



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Being Creative For Survival

Being Creative For Survival | episode 210



Being Creative For Survival



Today I talk about Being creative for survival. Why I feel this is one of the biggest prep you can make. I talk about why you shouldn’t get stuck on recipes. But should be able to adapt and continue. 

Why you should always focus on the solution and not the problem. The problem simply needs to be overcome and not become a point of focus. This leads to worry loops. You fix problems by being creative. 


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Credit Cards For Survival?

Maxing Out Your Credit Card For Survival? Episode 209

Credit Cards For Survival?
Credit Cards by Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Pix4free

Maxing Out Your Credit Card For Survival?


In today’s episode Couch Potato Mike talk about maxing out your credit card for survival. Should you do this or is it a bad idea? Could there be a time and a place for doing it? 

We share our thoughts on this episode about all that and more. 




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Survival podcast, Survival podcasts

I’m back Episode 208

Survival podcast, Survival podcasts
Survivalpunk is back!

It’s been a while!

I know it’s been a long time. Many probably thought there would never be another Survivalpunk podcast episode. But the time is right to come back. Short description this week. I mostly talked about what’s been going on for the past two years.