The Definitive Guide To Nuclear Survival

The Definitive Guide To Nuclear Survival | episode 216

The Definitive Guide To Nuclear Survival


Today Mike and I talk about The Definitive Guide to Nuclear Survival. The big focus of this episode is on how we already know of a society that has recovered from a nuclear bombing. 
Japan was hit with two nuclear bombs and it did not completely destroy the small nation.  There was a lot of destruction and deaths in the immediate area of the bombs. There was also DNA damage that caused some birth defects. 



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The Death of globalization and rise of localization

The Death of globalization and rise of localization | Episode 215

The Death of globalization and rise of localization


This week Mike and I talk about the death of globalization and the rise of localization.  What does this mean for you and me?

The world of the global economy is grinding to a halt before our very eyes. Some things that we are all accustomed to are going to go away and maybe forever.  But this is not TEOTWAWKI. The Rise Of localization will be there to catch us.


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The Beginner’s Guide to Survival communication | episode 214


The Beginner’s Guide to Survival communication


This week I talk all about The Beginner’s Guide to Survival communication. What do you need to communicate when the SHTF or even a simple power outage? 



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Top Jobs And Skills For A Recession

Skills and Jobs For The Recession | Episode 212



Skills and Jobs For The Recession


This week Mike and I talk about what are the top skills and jobs for a recession. With the recession here, even if the government doesn’t want to admit it.  What do we do next as preppers? Are there opportunities not only to survive but to thrive during this recession? 




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