Why You Need To Test And Use Your Survival Gear | episode 176

Why You Need To Test And Use Your Survival Gear | episode 176

Why You Need To Test And Use Your Survival Gear | episode 176
Photo via wittco.gmbh


Why You Need To Test And Use Your Survival Gear | episode 176


This week Mike and I return to talk about Why You Need To Test And Use Your Survival Gear. 

We had a much too long break with me getting married, building things for the house, Honeymoon and more. 

I got the idea for this show the night of the wedding. Serenity and I were camping with a few of our guests. I brought my Hennessee Hammock and some whoopie slings to hang it. 

The whoopie slings weren’t made for a Hennessee so I had to try to adapt it and that’s when the trouble began. 

I brought carabiners to hang it but didn’t bring enough. With help from Matt French and Scav we kept trying different things trying to get it to work. 

It was a blast but would have been better if I had prepared better and got it up right away. I know Why You Need To Test And Use Your Survival Gear and still dropped the ball. 

Now the vacation is over the podcasts will be coming out back on schedule. It’s good to be back. 


James and Serenity's Wedding
James and Serenity’s Wedding

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Eating In The Apocalypse | episode 174

Eating In The Apocalypse | episode 174

Eating In The Apocalypse | episode 174

This week  I talk about eating in the apocalypse. I begin by talking about how food taste has changed over time. 

How lobster was once a poor man food and chicken was for the rich. 




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