The Get Home Bag

The Get Home Bag, affectionately know in the survival community as the G.H.B. Because we all love acronyms right? So what is a G.H.B and why should you have one. What goes in it? And why not just carry your Bug out bag? Well I’m going to tell you.


I tried to get a dictionary definition or at least a urban dictionary definition of a GHB anything. All I turned up was forum posts and a few blog’s. Guess this will be another. So I’ll define it for you


A GHB is a bag whose purpose is to be able to get you from one place to another, usually home, with the minimal necessities required.


Well im no Webster but that’s the essence boiled down. Basically it’s a bag/ container carried in your car and possibly on your person at all times. With the exception of in your home. In your home you should have a Bug out bag (BoB) packed and ready to go.


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How To Make Sauerkraut Easily With Free Supplies

How To Make Sauerkraut Easily With Free Supplies

How To Make Sauerkraut Easily With Free Supplies

I’ve decided to show you  How To Make Sauerkraut Easily With Free Supplies. I enjoy having it once a week or so. The store bought stuff is nowhere near as good as a homemade with live culture.

I’ve seen fancy  crocks online but at a hundred bucks that way to expensive for me. I used a free icing bucket from Walmart, a two dollar plate, an empty gallon jug and some cheesecloth I had laying around.  After some searching, I found a simple process for making kraut.

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Hello world!

Welcome to survivalpunk my attempt to write about my favorite subjects: Survival, paleo eating and punk music. The blog will feature how to articles, gear reviews, camping trips, gardening/permaculture, recipes and much more. So stick around I have a lot in store for this blog