survival gatherings

Why Survival Gatherings Are Great | episode 252


survival gatherings
survival gatherings



Why Survival Gatherings Are Great | episode 252

Join me today as I discuss Survival Gatherings. I struggled with exactly what to call today’s episode. You can refer to these events by many names, but I like to call them survival gatherings. 

They are events that include camping for multiple days, lectures, demonstrations, and workshops. This week my family and I are going to the Self Reliance Festival for the first time. In the past, I have attended Zombie Con, The Pathfinder Gathering, and Rivercan Rendevous. I learned so much from these events 

On top of the knowledge you gain from Survival Gatherings, you will meet a lot of like-minded people. I talked about this a lot in my episode on Finding your tribe. If you want to meet people that are into a thing go do that thing. If you want to meet more survivalists go to a survival gathering. 

Do not try to say there is not one near you. I’m sure there is one near you no matter where you live. Even communist California has them. I could swear they had one called Dirt Time but I can’t find it anymore. In any case, look around and ask and I’m sure you can find one near you. 


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Two Drugs For SHTF

Two Drugs To Store For SHTF | episode 251


Two Drugs For SHTF
Two Drugs For SHTF



Two Drugs To Store For SHTF | episode 251


Join me today as I discuss two drugs to store for SHTF. They are Modafinil and Kratom. One is by prescription only and massively over-regulated. You can find the other at just about every gas station now. 

For me, they both fit in similar niches. And That is wakefulness. My job has me getting up very early and coffee just isn’t enough. Modafinil is a anti narcalepy drug. It does a fantastic job of waking you up and making you alert. 

Kratom is a plant with opioid-like properties. I first found out about Kratom for its concentration and focus benefits. Later we learned about its ability to treat chronic pain. Only recently did I discover that it’s great for wakefulness and mental alertness. Taking it to wake up or staying up late in the morning does the trick. 

Both of these I feel do a better job at waking you up and keeping you up than caffeine alone. During the SHTF you’ll need to have a guard duty going all the time. Which means someone is going to get the late shift. Either of these two drugs will help out greatly. 

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I'm coming to your house

I’m Coming To Your House SHTF | episode 250

I'm coming to your house
I’m coming to your house



I’m Coming To Your House SHTF | episode 250


If you’ve been a prepper very long you have heard I’m coming to your house SHTF. If your friends and family find out that you are a prepper invariable their first response is to tell you that they are going to just come to your place if things go south. And generally telling coworkers that you will shoot them if they show up is frowned upon. 

In this episode, I talk about what I do when people say that. My responses over the years have varied and depend on the people saying it a lot. You can be both nicer and meaner to your family. I could tell my brother I’d shoot him. I wouldn’t of course do that, but he can’t call HR on me either. Also there might be a place in your preps for family. Maybe you plan to take in your parents. 

I also talk about what to do when people do show up. In a shtf what do you do?

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Finding Your Tribe

Tips On Finding Your Tribe | episode 249


Finding Your Tribe
Finding Your Tribe



Tips On Finding Your Tribe | episode 249


In today’s episode, I will talk about finding your tribe. I blatantly stole this topic from Nicole Sauce from the Living Free In Tennessee Podcast. However, it resonated with me. I see a lot of people complaining about not being able to find like-minded people in their areas. And I have to call Bull shit on that. Unless you live in the dead middle of a desert there are people around you that are like-minded. 

I talk a lot about the self reliance festival in Camden in this episode and If you are going say hi to my family and me. This year is going to be our first time going. It kept working out the last few years that we weren’t able to make it. And I’m definitely going to sign up to be speaking at the next one. 

In a later episode, I talk all about survival festivals that I have gone to. But there are a lot of ways of finding your tribe. Tune in today to learn about them. 

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Keeping Entertained During A SHTF

Keeping Entertained During A SHTF | episode 248


Keeping Entertained During A SHTF
Keeping Entertained During A SHTF


Keeping Entertained During A SHTF | episode 248

Join me today as I discuss ways of Keeping Entertained During A SHTF. And you will definitely need some entertainment during a SHTF. I saw a Facebook post yesterday about this very topic. I had already recorded this episode so I chimed in. Many of the comments weren’t giving board game suggestions as the poster asked. They were saying there wouldn’t be any time for anything but work during the SHTF, which is stupid. 

The ideas I share today work just as well for being snowed in as they do for TEOTWAWKI. 

I talk a lot about owning physical media today if there is power. I have been trying to make a move away from streaming services to owning my own media again. Modern movies and TV shows are becoming woke garbage more often than not. So own physical media for a disaster. 

I then talk about board games. With kids around games are a fun way to keep them and yourself entertained. 



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