Being A Grayman Vs Being Hard Target

Being A Grayman Vs Being Hard Target

Being A Grayman Vs Being Hard Target
Being A Grayman Vs Being Hard Target

Being A Grayman Vs Being Hard Target


This week I talk about being grayman vs hard target. I have preached for years on the blog and podcast about being a grayman

I watched a YouTube video recently on should you be a grayman. The guy’s answer was no. And he gave some good points too. 

After thinking about it I have some thoughts on being a grayman vs a hard target. 


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Rangefinder Tips Every Prepper Must Know 

Rangefinder Tips Every Prepper Must Know 

Rangefinder Tips Every Prepper Must Know 
Rangefinder Tips Every Prepper Must Know

Rangefinder tips every prepper must know 

    To get prepared for most SHTF situation, you would need to find the best gear and learn up appropriate skills. One of the most useful equipment would be a rangefinder, where you can choose to use it for survival, hunting or even mountaineering.

    To utilize a rangefinder properly, you need to understand how it works. Laser rangefinders function by emitting laser beams which subsequently bounces off your intended target. The high-speed clock in your unit would then measure the amount of time taken for the beam to leave and go back to the unit.

Some general principles to note is that the greater the beam dispersion, the further your unit can range. However, a smaller beam divergence would give greater ranging precision despite it not being able to range far objects.

Another interesting thing to note is how the rangefinder would calculate distance. The rangefinder will employ a calculation method called ‘time of flight’ principle, calculating the speed of light.

After understanding some basic concepts, I would like to share some tips you can use for your rangefinder.


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Nitecore NU25 Headlamp Review

Nitecore NU25 Headlamp Review

Nitecore NU25 Headlamp Review
Nitecore NU25 Headlamp Review

Nitecore NU25 Headlamp Review

I like flashlights. A lot. My wife would say I might be obsessed, 

I was going to say I’m a bit of a light snob but that would be wrong. I have cheap lights and recommend them. More accurately I’m a lumen snob. The more the better. 


I have always said you can’t go wrong with more lumens. 


The Nitecore NU25 Headlamp does not come up short in the lumen department at 360 max lumens. And it does this at only 0.99oz. 


So let’s find out whether this needs to be your next headlamp. 


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How To Prepare For An Emergency Evacuation

How To Prepare For An Emergency Evacuation |episode 186

How To Prepare For An Emergency Evacuation
How To Prepare For An Emergency Evacuation


How To Prepare For An Emergency Evacuation |episode 186

This week I’m talking about how to prepare for an emergency evacuation. 

I got the show idea from a long time listener. She recently had to evacuate due to the wildfires happening. 

She told me about what worked and what didn’t work so well. Luckily She, her husband and baby are all ok.

I hope this episode makes you think about what you would do in an emergency evacuation situation. 

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How To Use Your Food Storage

How To Use Your Food Storage |episode 185

How To Use Your Food Storage
How To Use Your Food Storage


How To Use Your Food Storage |episode 185



This week I’m going to talk all about how to use your food storage. 

Food storage should not be a set and forget prep. It needs to become a daily part of your life. 

You need to learn how to cook with your food storage now while times are good. And find out what you and your family like best. 

Storing foods that you don’t like and have no idea how to prepare won’t do you any good. 

You don’t want to try cooking rice for the first time during a disaster. Only to find out you hate the taste of plain rice. 


I’ll give some recipes on how to use your food storage to make delicious meals.


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