Unorthodox Skills For A Post-Apocalyptic Scenario

Unorthodox Skills For A Post-Apocalyptic Scenario


Unorthodox Skills For A Post-Apocalyptic Scenario
Unorthodox Skills For A Post-Apocalyptic Scenario


Today I have a guest post on Unorthodox Skills For A Post-Apocalyptic Scenario. Should be some you’ve thought about and some you have not. Enjoy!


Unorthodox Skills For A Post-Apocalyptic Scenario

When we consider the potential of a post-apocalyptic scenario, or a general collapse of established society, there are some types of skills that come to mind as general necessities. If you’re reading here, you’ve likely considered things like knowing how to forage safely, knowing how to start a fire, being able to find or create shelter, basic knife skills, stretching a store of canned food, etc. If you’re to be fully prepped for this kind of situation though, there’s really no cap to the skills that might come in handy. So I did some thinking, and a little bit of research, to come up with some more unorthodox skills to consider adding to your arsenal.


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Home Security

Home Security |episode 191

Home Security

This week Mike and I have an episode on Home security now and during the SHTF. 

This was one of the most requested episodes I’ve had. We cover all things home security. 

We begin by talking about home security during rule of law. Later we get into what to do if the shit hits the fan., 

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7 Bushcraft Skills That Will Help You Survive in The Wild

7 Bushcraft Skills That Will Help You Survive in The Wild

Being survival veterans, we can assure you that survival in the wild is not easy! You need to have the right equipment and skills. Without this perfect combination, you could actually be stuck in deep mud! Being a novice, these skills may evade you; but do not worry — we will definitely help you.

One of the most important tools in such a situation is a survival knife from Perkin Knives or any other reputed store. Of course, make sure that you know the local rules and regulations about carrying a knife.

Apart from the usual GPS system, light, shelter building tools and survival gear, you will also need to know the bushcraft skills for survival. You need to learn them for being able to survive in the wild! One wrong move could send you on a downhill spiral into a pit of despair.

Nobody would want that! So, get ready to learn the skills and become a survival veteran yourself!

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Tips to Choosing the Best Camping Pad

Tips to Choosing the Best Camping Pad

Tips to Choosing the Best Camping Pad

Tips to Choosing the Best Camping Pad
Photo Via rickmccharles On Flickr


Today I have a guest post for you from Michael from enjoy!


The camping pad is a must-have for any outdoor enthusiast or prepper! Because it is lightweight, compact, and can provide a maximum of comfort regardless of situations, it comes in handy in both emergencies and camping trips.

The cool thing about these products is that you can find them in all sorts of shapes and designs. Of course, each comes with a different set of features, so if you’re serious about including one in your BOB or camping backpack, it’s imperative to know which is best. However, the plethora of products can be confusing, especially if you’re new to the niche, so have a look at my comprehensive guide below.

You’ll learn everything there is to learn about the features that matter, the cost of a high-quality pad, and why you should care about volume and weight.


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