How To Survive An Active Shooter | episode 202

How To Survive An Active Shooter | episode 202

How To Survive An Active Shooter | episode 202
How To Survive An Active Shooter | episode 202

How To Survive An Active Shooter | episode 202


This week I’m talking about how to survive an active shooter. With the news recently of several active shooters, I felt that is was time to do an episode on it. 

It seems that nowhere is safe from violence now. Stores, Concerts and even Garlic festivals. While there is no way to stop these events from happening there is a lot you can do to stay safe. 





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How to Cook Outdoors

How to Cook Outdoors | episode 201

How To Cook Outdoors

How to Cook Outdoors
How to Cook Outdoorsoutdoor cooking, 

How to Cook Outdoors | episode 201


I’m back this week to talk about How to cook outdoors. This is a subject I am very passionate about. Especially during the warmer months/

I still haven’t fully recovered from my sore throat and you can hear it. Sorry for the crackly teenage voice and the shorter length of the episode.


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6 Tips to beginning archery

6 Tips to beginning archery

6 Tips to beginning archery
6 Tips to beginning archery


6 Tips to beginning archery

Today I have a guest post for you on beginning archery. 

When you want to begin archery as a hobby or as a professional, there are many overwhelming things that can you may face. However, it is quite easy for you to learn how to go about the game and be good at it. With the correct orientation and practice, it is possible for you to do well. If you follow the right tips, it should be easy for you to learn how to shoot your bow and do it safely. In this article, we shall learn some of the tips that can help you. You can also visit to learn more on your own.



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Independence Day Special

Independence Day Special | episode 200

Independence Day Special
Independence Day Special

Independence Day Special | episode 200


This week I have a very special Independence Day episode. 

In this episode, I talk about some of the factors that lead up to the revolutionary war. 

How to colonists were being taxed heavily and without representation following the seven years war. 

Beginning with the Sugar act in 1774 then the stamp act the following year. 

How the tension came to a head at the Boston Massacre and the slap on the wrist given to the British Soldiers. 

Leading to the very famous Boston Tea Party. 

After that, we jump to the shot heard around the world and the battles at Lexington and Concord. 


I go on to read the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. 

I break down some of the Bill of rights and explain what they mean to us today. 

Finally, I believe it is important to study the birth of our nation and uphold the values that our founding fathers laid down. 

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Survival Lessons From The Homeless | episode 199


Survival Lessons From The Homeless


Survival Lessons From The Homeless | episode 199



This week I’m talking about Survival Lessons From The Homeless. It was really the first topic ever covered on the podcast. It was covered badly though. 

I’ll link to the very first episode but don’t suggest you listen to it.

I cover why your life depends on your pack. Being homeless and bugging out is the same in that you will rely on your pack.

Weather your homeless or building a BOB you want to focus on the 5 C’s. The five C’s are Container, Cutting, Cordage, Cover, and Combustion. 

When kit building those need to be your first 5 concerns. 

After that, you can focus on the next five C’s, barter items, luxury items, and a first aid kit. 


I talk for a bit about not having addictions. Being addicted to something can hurt your ability to survive. 

What lessons can you learn from the homeless to help you with bugging out? They know a thing or two about keeping secure while on the move. 

What are some ways to know your camp is secure and to be alerted to intruders?

I talk about all that and more today. 


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