Are There Fewer Deer to Hunt Now? | episode 333

less deer
less deer


Are There Fewer Deer to Hunt Now? | episode 333

As a prepper, and one day hunter,  understanding changes in wildlife populations and hunting trends is crucial for ensuring long-term food security. This blog post explores the state of deer populations, shifts in hunting participation, and the potential challenges of hunting during hard times.

Deer Population: Then vs. Now

In 1929, deer populations were at a historic low in the United States, with fewer than 500,000 nationwide due to unregulated hunting and habitat destruction. Conservation efforts, such as regulated hunting seasons and habitat restoration, helped deer populations rebound. Today, there are over 30 million deer across the country. However, regional declines in population due to urban sprawl, disease, and overhunting in some areas mean that not all hunters will find deer as abundant as they might hope.

Fewer Hunters in Modern Times

The number of hunters in the United States has declined significantly. In the 1980s, over 17 million Americans hunted; by 2020, that number dropped to around 11 million. This decline is partly due to urbanization, cultural shifts, and competing recreational activities. Fewer hunters may sound like good news for deer populations, but it can also lead to imbalances in ecosystems, as hunting plays a role in controlling deer numbers.

The Impact of Bad Times

During economic downturns or disasters, hunting often becomes a necessity rather than a sport. Many people turn to hunting for survival, but a lack of experience and skills can lead to inefficiency and waste. Inexperienced hunters may not know how to track game, butcher properly, or hunt ethically, which could strain wildlife populations in the long run.

By staying informed about wildlife trends and sharpening your skills now, you’ll be better prepared to provide for your family in the future, even in difficult times.



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