30 Day Beef Butter Bacon And Eggs Challenge Results | episode 236

create a thumbnail image of a dark-haired man with a beard sitting at an old wooden table piled high with meat with a fork in his hand and the words on the image that says 30 Day Beef Butter And Eggs Challenge Results
30 Day Beef Butter Bacon And Eggs Challenge Results





30 Day Beef Butter Bacon And Eggs Challenge Results | episode 236

Today I’m discussing my  30 Day Beef Butter Bacon And Eggs Challenge Results. In August, I took on the challenge. For thirty days I only ate beef, butter, bacon, and eggs. 

I wanted to do the this challenge to try to clear up some skin issues I’ve been having for a year now. My hands have been cracking a bleeding on and off. I have good weeks and bad weeks. I have been trying to figure out what’s been causing this for most of that time. At first, I just thought it was wintery dry skin and got some lotion. After I went through a whole container of lotion with no change I realized it was something more. 

The BBB&E challenge is the ultimate in elimination diets.  If something in my diet was causing the flare-ups then the diet should clear it up. There’s a good chance that this is eczema and the carnivore diet is supposed to be damaging for curing it. 

Tune in today to find out what my results were,





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One Reply to “30 Day Beef Butter Bacon And Eggs Challenge Results | episode 236”

  1. Jimmy

    Do you drink plenty of water? And, do you filter your water? I think many issues can happen with our bodies when we don’t hydrate enough. I was guilty of that for a majority of my life. Ever since I have made an effort to drink lots of water, in general, I have felt so much better.

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