Voting Is a Waste Of Time

While recording the podcast the other night I went off on a rant. The rant was on voting and government in general. To be honest it could have consumed the rest of the show. It was voting day 11/4/2014. My Facebook is filled with politically charged posts. Urging other to get out and vote. Screaming that your vote can make a difference. Fools. You make yourself feel good thinking you are making a difference by clicking a button. By choosing one idiot over another. Voting is a complete waste of time. Today I’ll tell you why.
Voting Doesn’t Matter
Your vote is not the magic tie breaker to win. It’s not like that movie where an election rested on one man. I’ve not seen many close elections. Your vote either cements a victory or is thrown into an abyss. Here in the south if you don’t vote Republican than your vote isn’t doing anything. However if you vote other than Democrat in Illinois your vote is going in the trash.
That’s if voting wasn’t rigged anyway. Too many scams going on. Too many inconsistencies. Proof that dead voters are voting. Voting fraud abundant. I have no doubt that the last two presidents were pre picked. They were going to win whether you voted or not. Romney had no chance. Not that it would have made a difference.
Puppets As Far As The Eye Can See
Politicians are puppets. They do not have your best intentions in mind. They all want to grow their power. They all want to grow the government. Just their own side of it. Republicans do not want to shrink government. They want to add more laws on what they care about. They are better about hiding it than Democrats though. They push the freedoms they want while passing laws to remove rights.
You overlook this when it’s your side. It’s ok cause they have an R or a D. If the other side did it you would fly off the handle. This is called hypocrisy. You too are a puppet. You are being played like a fiddle. They create hot button issues to work you up. Here in Tennessee it was the abortion issue. Yes and No on #1 signs were everywhere. People yelling and screaming for their side. In the end it doesn’t matter. Someones will is now forced on you. Government has grown. Do you think it’s moral to force your morals on another. While I don’t agree with abortion. At All. It is not my choice. What makes you think you can judge another and tell them what to do.
Strike Voting
Opt out. Don’t vote. Be productive making a real difference. Voting makes no difference at all. You know what does make a difference? Not voting. It sends a clear message when you don’t. It shows people are waking up. No longer falling for your bull shit. I hear the percentages of non voters going up. They are getting scared. The system is broke. Beyond repair. It needs to be demolished and rebuilt. It is too rotten. Trying to fix it by voting is absurd. The system wouldn’t allow change regardless of who is put in there.
Not that anyone in there would be willing to make a change. The last person to go into government with good intentions was Guy Fawkes. Voting will make no difference. We something more. Opting out is my option. I do not want to force my beliefs on another. I also don’t want to have yours forced on me.
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7 Replies to “Voting Is a Waste Of Time”
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We need to cut out the corruption of electing representatives who only represent themselves. A system of Representatives was logical before electronic and instant communications. There was no way for everyone to gather in one place to hear speakers and vote, so people gave away their personal voting power to an elected representative. I say fuck representatives. Take back our power of direct vote. We can propose legislation and listen to proposed legislation on TV or web or radio and vote ourselves.
I totally agree with this idea. It makes even more sense to do this at the local and state levels than the federal level, since some issues are unique to certain areas.
If we could the fascism in our government between them and the corporation’s voting might work. As it is they are representing whoever gives them the most money
I always point out to hard party line people that both sides take “campaign” money from the same lobbyists, so how can they really be any different? That said, I can’t agree with you that not voting at all is the answer. Third parties need to hit certain thresholds, like 5% of the popular vote in the previous election, to be able to get federal campaign funding in the following election. They have to get 15% of the popular vote in pre election surveys to be able to take part in the nationally televised debates. So voting third party isn’t throwing your vote away, it just takes more than one election to get real progress. That’s why it’s called the political process. Also voting at the local level is even more important, just one election can make a big difference in a small community, for the better or worse.
The last time I voted was for Gary Johnson. I am happy I voted with a clear concise. Voting for a third party candidates is NOT a wasted vote. I’m still not sure they could do much within the system they are trapped.
I am going to have to disagree with you on this one. I early voted this year and the people I saw voting were mostly older, white, in my profiling mind your typical go to church on Sunday and shop at Walmart afterward. Did not see any younger people and when asked any younger people at work, none voted. So big surprise, the Republicans won everything. Big whoop,
What mostly concerned me was amendment 1, in this case, much more money was thrown at voting no than yes (about twice as much) however it was still voted in. In my opinion because of the apathy of the youth, male and female. It is very important for women to keep control of their decisions and the yes passage opened the doorway to take that away. The ones that voted where older, white, church goers and I saw in front of most of those churches “vote yes on 1” signs. What that says about church and state seperation I will not go into.
The younger generation should have gotten out and protected their rights, but instead they sat home and said “it doesn’t matter”. I do not want the laws passed in the future to say my daughters have no choice about their major life decisions, but now it could come to that.
Sorry for long windedness, and by the way the amendment about wine being sold in grocery store finally passed (got around lobbyist) because people voted. so church goers still like their wine, just not young ladies having any independence.
Voting on particular legislation is one thing I might see a reason to vote on. But only if it was to keep the government from doing anything. I want less legislations not more. Nothing more. Not on people though. There is no difference between the two parties.