Tiny House Update 1/5/2015


Tiny House Living Room
Tiny House Living Room

As you noticed I took off most of December for the holidays and to finish up the tiny house for the move. The flooring alone took almost an entire week. My main concern was to get the living room and loft completed to move in. I wanted to get the entire project done before moving in. Time and money became an issue though. There are a few projects left to be done. A few really important ones.

I’ll have to put them on the back burner though. The race to beat the cold weather is over. It has arrived. This week will see temps in the single digits. I saw that one day is supposed to get down to -1. That’s extremely cold here in the south. The freezing temps puts a real hamper on things. So let me fill you in on what Has been goin on and share some pictures.

TIny House Library
TIny House Library

Paper Bag Flooring

So the big completed project was the flooring. Which will be an update all on it’s own. I shot some video of me putting it in. I’ll get that uploaded for you guys soon. It is a royal pain in the ass. The paper bag flooring turned out beautiful though. Maybe not as cheap as I thought. I used one gallon of polyurethane and It would have been better with two.

TIny House Standing Desk
TIny House Standing Desk

Plumbing Woes

The plumbing should have been sooner. We put it off and put it off. We were supposed to get it done today but cutting into the water line in temps in the low 20’s wont work. I also don’t know crap about plumbing and my buddy that does can’t make it out. At the moment all my water is being carried in. The biggest issue is in no shower. I have been using wash clothes and showering at Mikes place when I record a podcast. Not the worst but sure annoying.

There is a spring and a creek on the land. For temporary water I’m thinking about developing the spring. If it wasn’t so cold I would bathe in the creek. As is I’m thinking about building a sauna to clean. Hopefully I can get the water flowing soon.

At least my composting toilet was complete before moving in.

The other bad thing is there is still building supplies and large tools in the tiny house. They are taking up a considerable amount of space. My pantry is still in  boxes. The kitchen, loft and bathroom being used for storage mostly. I have the kitchen set up enough to be able to do a little cooking and cleaning.

Tiny House LIving Room
Tiny House Living Room


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4 Replies to “Tiny House Update 1/5/2015”

  1. Brenda

    Sauna is an excellent idea. 40 years ago when I lived in a commune we had a sauna instead of a shower. It was wood fired, I heated water on the wood stove, sweated then washed. We had a creek running by right next to the sauna we dammed up and it was chest deep, that’s where we rinsed! Really brisk in the Oregon winters! Ahhhh, the good ole days!!!

  2. wiandiii

    I know your motivated self doesn’t need to be told to keep your head up, but these growing pains will be over before you know it. The work you have done so far makes the place look very livable for a small space by western standards. I’m working and saving myself for a small camper project, hopefully to be made from a honda element. Waiting for money and circumstance will be testing my patience more and more as time goes on.

  3. James

    I read an article about you written by By Karen Parr-Moody. Do you stll live in Ashland City? My wife and I moved to Ashland City a little over a year ago. We are new to prepping and would like to meet other like-minded people. We plan on buying some land in the near future so that we can learn to garden and be more self reliant. I also wouldn’t mind helping you with your projects if you need a hand. Good luck on the tiny house.

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