How To Survive A Job Loss The Biggest Disaster |episode 142

How To Survive A Job Loss The Biggest Disaster |episode 142
How To Survive A Job Loss The Biggest Disaster |episode 142

How To Survive A Job Loss The Biggest Disaster |episode 142

This episode is all about how to survive a job loss. 

Job loss is the biggest disaster facing us. No one is ever safe from losing their job. 

It is not as glamours as zombies, meteors or terminators but way more likely to occur. 

Thousands lose their job each day. 

With automation, many more will lose their jobs in the near future. 

Don’t let it take you off guard, though. Be prepared to survive a job loss. 








  • Number one disaster that affects people
  • Two concerns,  money and food. 
  • Separate the essentials from the nice to haves
  • Rent, mortgage electricity are essential
  • Cut the non-essentials to the bone right away
  • Having food storage removes that worry.  
  • Having money and food removes your desperation 
  • Being debt free makes it easier

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