Handgun safety class

This past week I finally got off my lazy butt and took the handgun safety class. I took the class at the Greenbrier TN Guns and Leather location. The instructor was Warren Smith a prior service Marine and retired Highway patrol officer.

The first part of the day was the classroom session. The class was pretty large at around thirty people. It was interesting to see the diversity in the class. Probably a third were female. The class began with us learning statistics like the average distance a shooting occurs. Slightly over three feet. We went over in-depth the Tennessee handgun carry law’s. TO make sure we knew when and where would could carry. When you should use your gun and the legal ramifications of it. Warren had a fun joking manner that made this material easy to remember. He told lots of personal stories that related to what we were learning.

He showed us proper gun cleaning procedures first using a Glock then a revolver. Going over the methods and materials that he has found works best in his experience. He also highly stressed keeping the gun oiled and maintaining an oiling/cleaning schedule. Which I’ll have to work on I’m a pretty lazy gun cleaner.


He demonstrated proper stance and pistol grip. the best way to hold it to stabilize it for more accuracy. Locking the hands together like puzzle pieces. Which had I listened better I would have scored better later on. I enjoyed how the class was taught for an absolute beginner to become proficient in firearms handling. I’m not a terrible experienced shoot but tried to leave any preconceived notions at the door and learn the way he was teaching it.

Then we had to watch a thirty minute video from the Hwy Patrol. It was mostly all on bringing home the fact that if you are planing on drinking you need to plan on NOT carrying then. I did not know the law on drinking and carrying but common sense told me that I would not carry when drinking. This point was however beaten to death in this DVD.

The end of the classroom portion was a test to assess how much we learned. It was very short and very easy. I missed on from over thinking why to hold your breath when shooting.Other than that every question was terrible easy.

After the video we broke for lunch and had terrible Chinese. hen we returned if was time for the shooting part of the day. We were to shoot in groups of five at a time. Loading six cartridges at a time and shooting from 3, 15 and 21 feet. I thought I would have shot better but being nervous and untrained i shot very poorly at first. The instructors were very helpful and pointed out some issues I was having. I was not using a good grip and had an issue of pulling down when I shot. After working with them I was shooting much better landing shot after shot in the center target with very close groupings.

Happily I passed my shouting portion and received my certificate of having passed the class. Next I had to endure a trip to the DMV and pay a $115 fee. The last thing to do is get fingerprinted. The DMV gives you a number to call or website to visit to set up an appointment to get finger printed which is included in the fee you pay the DMV.So in 90 days or less I’ll be a proud new TN CCW holder to fully support my second amendment rights.

If you live close enough to visit them I highly recommend Guns and Leather and Warren Smith. The classroom which could have easily been boring was fun and live. On the range his knowledge really shone through in taking very novice shooter and making them quiet proficient in only 15 minutes. Also the price for this training is the cheapest I have found in the area. Only $65 for this level of training. I can only imagine they make up in class size but they could honestly charge much more, double, and it would still be worth it.

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