Gary Collins On The Simple Life | Episode 180

Gary Collins On The Simple Life | Episode 180
Gary Collins On The Simple Life | Episode 180




Gary Collins On The Simple Life | Episode 180



This week we have Gary Collins on the simple life. He has recently made the change from Primal Power method to Ths SImple Life. 

We talk about the change of branding. Why hes burned out on the Health industry. 

Garry tells me about his progress on his off grid home. 


  • I’ve noticed you have changed directions a bit with a new book series and website, what brought that about?
  • One of your new books is on RV Living, what would say are some of the advantages of living in an RV?
  • You have been working on your off the grid project for several years now, how is it coming along?
  • You have also released a new health book, are you still planning on writing about health?


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