First Time Carrying Concealed

Recently I received my carry permit and have decided I should actually use it and carry. I was saving for a better concealed weapon which I should be getting today. Yesterday I carried everywhere I went. It was a  unique experience I’ll say that. Let me share my confessions of a concealed carry noob with you.

Is that a gun in your pocket...

I decided that since I have my carry permit I should exercise my right and start carrying. The only hand gun I currently own is a S&W S40ve and is rather large. I had attemped carrying it before and always stopped due to uncomfort. Mostly the uncomfort came from sitting. So I tried many different places till i discovered a location that felt good in any position. For me this was right behind the front left side pocket. Also I have the barrel slightly angled backwards. With this position even with it being a bigger gun I was able to conceal the weapon and at times even forget it was there.

OK so now I have it on and comfortable to sit around the house I head out into the world. That was a scary feeling. Guns have developed such a stigmata in our world I felt eyes on me wherever I went. I was certain that someone any moment was going to scream “That guy has a gun!!!” and cause a scene. I constantly kept pulling my shirt down to hide it. It was of course never visible.


I was cautious of checking the door of every store I went in to see if they had posted the no weapons sign. I avoided all locations of my work. They have a no weapons (for employees) policy and because of my position I’d rather not go into any location even when I’m not working.  Paranoid maybe but many big companies have been known to make bad decisions and I don’t want to risk it.

I also seemed to become more aware of Law Enforcement Officers. I saw them everywhere. I mean EVERYWHERE! I know that I was legally able to carry and that I was following all rules. But once again paranoia kicks in and I was thinking their trained eyes would see the not visible outline of the weapon. Which would not have been a problem I did have my permit on me. It’s just ingrained through media that only bad guys and Police carry guns. I’m sure that it is a falsely I will soon be free of.

So I carried successfully from the time I woke up till I went to sleep. No one saw it and ran away. I was comfortable wearing it. At times forgetting i had it on. The crappy Blackhawk holster held it in place and concealed very well. I’m buying a Glock 19 today and am going to buy a quality holster for it. Something with some retention and that holds its shape to re holster it.

What was your first time carrying like? Were you nervous? Let me know about it in the comments. Also if you have any suggestions for a good Glock 19 holster let me know

4 Replies to “First Time Carrying Concealed”

  1. FloridaHillbilly

    I’ve not yet gone through the paperwork to get my concealed carry permit. Having grown up with guns, and in a time where walking through a school parking lot you would see several guns in back window racks, I”m comfortable with having one in my possession, but you are correct, it changes your mental stance.

    I was told that a person carrying legally will be far more polite, cautious, and considerate due to the responsibility they understand goes with carrying, all good things in my opinion.

    Your attitude proves my belief that if everyone carried guns, this world would be a more polite place, IMHO. And if we all carried guns, how likely would it be for a criminal to try something, knowing EVERYONE can defend themselves?

    GREAT post!

    Be safe,

  2. EA

    Congrats on your first tie Carrying!

    I highly suggest a Crossbreed Holster for your Glock 19. I have a crate of old holsters, and that is the only holster that has stood the test of time. Spend the extra money on a quality holster, you won’t regret it!

    • David Nash

      I have to +1 the crossbreed I have one and it makes a difference, besides that it helps with that nervous adjusting. Believe me, if your comfortable and confident nobody will notice the gun. The nervous adjustment of your clothes is a big giveaway to those in the “know”…

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