Exo Bars: Cricket Flour Protein Bars

I’ve talked about the Exo bars before. I wanted to try some but never got around to it. Recently I shot them an email to see if they would send out some for review. They got them right out to me. I decided to do this review a little different. Normally I will open an item and take lots of pictures. Tell you all about what I thought about the flavor. Not this time. Exo has a goal to make eating insects normal. They want it to go mainstream in America.
In America eating bugs has become such a taboo. Like I’ve written about before I have eaten bugs often. None of this when I have to I will crap. As Coach Nick Says I live the brand. So I wanted to help Exo with their goal. I had a lot of friends try the Exo bars. People that have never eaten bugs before. In a small way I wanted to turn a simple review into a way to open eyes. How did it go? How are the bars? Let’s find out.

Exo Bars
Eating Insects is normal throughout the world. Man evolved eating insects. Over 80% of the planet still eats insects. Only recently, in English-speaking countries has it, declined. When I tell people I have eaten bugs the looks on their faces reflects their horror. Exo Bars wants to change this. They made a tasty bar to ease people into it.
Why Crickets
It’s estimated that crickets are 20% more efficient a source of protein than cattle. A cricket needs 6x less feed than cattle to produce the same amount of protein. 100 grams of cricket contains: 121 calories, 12.9 grams of protein, 5.5 g. of fat, 5.1 g. of carbohydrates, 75.8 mg. calcium, 185.3 mg. of phosphorous, 9.5 mg. of iron, 0.36 mg. of thiamin, 1.09 mg. of riboflavin, 3.10 mg. of niacin.

The Bars
They sent an Apple Cinnamon, Blueberry Vanilla and a PB&J. First eaten was the Apple Cinnamon flavored Exo bar. I took it over to Mike’s during a podcast night. Mike, His wife and even his daughter tried it with me. Well I told his daughter it was a candy bar. She said it looked like a brownie. Sure just try it. Mike forgot they have crickets in them till after he ate it. He got a funny look on his face when it hit him. Everyone agreed it was tasty though. Except Fionna when she found out she was eating crickets. That was funny.
I took the Blueberry Vanilla one white water rafting with some friends. I know Kayla and Courtney had never eaten insects before the Exo Bars. Gabe and I have eaten many bugs. It was tasty for sure. I didn’t taste blueberry much. It had a berry taste with a mild vanilla hint. The only complaint was one of the girls thought they got cricket leg in their teeth.
Lastly I took the Peanut butter and Jelly to Crossfit with me. I wanted to see what Nick thought of it. Plus I needed to get in some carbs and protein post workout. Nick thought it was ok. To sweet for him. I agree. He prefers a meat based protein bar. He also said he got cricket leg in his teeth.
No one hated the bar. I liked them all. With Apple Cinnamon being my favorite. Blueberry Vanilla was my least favorite. I do think they are too sweet. I would prefer a savory flavor. Maybe more like a cricket flour pemmican bar. With that said I accomplished my goal. I got people eating insects. It was an easy intro to bugs. Everyone would be willing to eat more Exo bars if given one. Well except Mike’s daughter.
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2 Replies to “Exo Bars: Cricket Flour Protein Bars”
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Sounds interesting and I would probably eat them, but I will probably eat other stuff first. But anything in a pinch.