Episode 74 Surviving Zombies

Surviving Zombies
Surviving Zombies

Surviving Zombies

This week Mike and I have a little fun surviving zombies. We are both huge fan of Halloween and Zombies. Zombies are partially the reason I got into survival in the first place.

We have had a long time to figure out the ideal way to survive a Zombie Apocalypse. The tools and resources you will need to live it out. Our take is a bit different than most.

I feel that the only way to survive zombies is with community. Without a tight knit diverse community you cannot hope to survive zombies. You can’t be both farmer, soldier and surgeon, cook, mechanic and whatever else you need. Having members that are better suited to specific tasks is how you will be surviving zombies.

We talk about all that and more.




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2 Replies to “Episode 74 Surviving Zombies”

  1. Lee

    The reason why websites break up their content into multiple pages is to increase SEO. More pages means more times you can repeat your heading, your byline, your logo / slogan… it is redundancy without Google thinking it is a repeat of the original page. Same goes with having a second set of navigation links at the bottom of the page, etc. More hits. Check out Bodybuilding.com. They are especially smart about it and it is why they are on every hit when you mention protein powder. Just search in their page how many times they repeat their company name.

  2. Lee

    On killing zombies, the best weapon in my mind after firearms and obvious irreplaceable weapons is the fire-hardened spear.

    It is easy to procure – just cut down a 7 foot plus hardwood sapling and then burn the tip to fire-harden it. It costs nothing, is easily manufactured as you are cooking your dinner in a Dakota fire pit, and requires very little specialized knowledge.

    In use, the spear allows you to keep your enemies at a distance (against bites), can be thrown (especially if you also carry a bunch of javelin sized ones), is silent and probably have good accuracy with little training. Also, spears can function as shield walls / pike formations / phalanx units. Zombies are dumb, and I am sure they would not be smart enough to pull off flanking manoeuvres. With a spear and some basic training, pike formations could also create a cohesive community with team building exercises and weekly practice sessions.

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