Episode 69 Tools



This week I am joined by Jeff Radtke from the lost skills podcast to talk about tools. We talk about good ones, cheap ones and how to find the best deals. Like usual we get off topic and chase rabbits. It should be an informative and fun show.



  • Most used tools
  • Power over hand tools
  • When cheap is good enough
  • Finding good tools
  • Tool maintenance
  • Homesteading tools


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16 Replies to “Episode 69 Tools”

  1. Edward

    Mike is the biggest piece of shit because he big bowls of dicks. He needs to get back on Paleo no James nut don’t count.

  2. Matt Laster

    Loved the show with Jeff don’t ya knowl! Yous guys did a awesome job don’t ya knowl! What the hell Mike!? Was you that shy and scared of Jeff! You better give us a proper and formal apology asshole, when James gets his shit together and yous guys have the camp out I challenge you to a jail house rules indian leg wrestling match!

  3. Lee

    Mike is a not so dainty southern bell with the sweetest southern drawl. Also Mike needs to get off he ass and go paleo (Jeff sent me).


  4. wiandiii

    Harbor Freight is OK for some consumables, but not others. There nails, nuts, bolts, and electrical tape weren’t very good. The cotter pins, zip ties, cutting wheels and electrical connectors worked out. I do like to put together cheap sets from there to give as gifts, or throw in the car, so I can keep the good stuff I don’t want to get stolen at home. My favorite place to buy tools is flea markets. About half of my good stuff was bought used from the local flea market for much less than the new price. I totally agree with one comment in your podcast, that sometimes you get better quality buying used then buying new. I seen almost all the craftsmen is foreign made now, negating the benefit you would get from paying there higher price.

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