Episode 32 The Survival Mom

Lisa Bedford   The Survival Mom
Lisa Bedford

Today we bring on Lisa Bedford The Survival Mom herself. I’m Sure most of you are familiar with The Survival Mom. Lisa Bedford, aka The Survival Mom, started her blog when she realized that all the literature on survival and preparedness was written by men, for men. She took it upon herself to be the missing voice for the many moms out there. The Survival Mom is a symbol for Mom’s everywhere.


Survival Mom

We talk about Prepping for children. How to get into Home schooling. Some thoughts about the new common core programing. We talk about getting spouses on board with prepping. Tips for women getting their concealed carry permits. How to get children into the prepper mindset.

  • Who is the survival mom
  • What got you into Survival
  • First Priority when prepping for children
  • How to get kids involved
  • Thoughts on Home School
  • What are some survival projects that you would recommend for the whole family?
  • Tips for getting a spouse on board
  • Best part about being a blogger


Links For Today

The Survival Mom

Survival Mom on Facebook

Survival Mom: How to Prepare Your Family for Everyday Disasters and Worst-Case Scenarios

Ambleside Online


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