Is America Headed Towards A Race War?
Yesterday I ran out of podcasts to listen to while driving back from Dual Homestead. I turned on my local conservative talk radio station. They were still talking about Fergusson. Why is this still being talked about. I myself have tried to avoid the case altogether. I’ve heard a bit about it. It has nothing to do with me so I am worrying about more important things.
Things are not ending with the grand jury decision. The evidence showed no criminal actions on the officers part. He even resigned over the mess. His life is over for doing his job. Protest are still going on. And worse. Is America headed towards a race war?

Is America Headed Towards A Race War?
While listening to the radio they played a video. The video was from a Louis Farrakhan speech. In it he called for the killing of white people. He was urging for the listeners to go out and start killing whites. A direct quote from the speech.
“As long as they (whites) kill us (blacks) and go to Wendy’s and have a burger and go to sleep, they’ll keep killing us,” he said. “But when we die and they die, then soon we’re going to sit at a table and talk about it! We’re tired! We want some of this earth or we’ll tear this goddamn country up!”
Normal people don’t go around killing people. If I were at a speech that called for killing people I would leave. Killing people is plain wrong. Killing people based on skin color is well into madness. Did the audience leave at this point realizing Farrakhan was bat shit crazy? Nope they cheered him on.
Cops Weakened
I’m certainly no big fan of the police. I’ve seen too many videos of bad police. I’ve had a few lie to my face. All cops are not bad though. I’ve met a few that I call friends. They are some of the best people I know. I’m glad they are police. Good cops are the best defense against bad ones. Darren Wilson
from Fergusson was not a bad cop. I would expect that it if I were punched in the face and had someone trying to steal my weapon I would shoot them.
Are they going to be thinking about not shooting now? Are they going to be thinking that this is the spark that will set off a race war? Will they be “encouraged” to not shoot?
I don’t know where this is going. It seems like we are being set up for a race war. Both sides being played. I’ve heard so many racist remarks recently. I thought we were over this shit. Grow up people. Stop looting stores, stop making racist memes for facebook.
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3 Replies to “Is America Headed Towards A Race War?”
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Yea It is pretty crazy. Two of my children are mixed/or black, what ever terminology one uses to describe other human beings. To me they are my children. Color is just one of many descriptive terms. These times bother me as I have had good and not so nice people in my life, of various descent. It matters not what color you are! What matters is how you live and treat other human beings.
I have nothing profound to say,just people get caught up in their emotions and refuse to accept the facts. More violence that is directed at people that had no involvement in the situation will not make things better.
That’s what we’ve all been waiting for! Great potsgni!
I’m constantly being reminded of the movie “Groundhog Day.” The facts in all of these messes are being ignored. Why is a friend a more credible witness than a non-friend? People are saying one thing to the media and just the opposite to the people on the streets………