5 Indispensable Tools for Hunting Deer

White Tailed Deer
White Tailed Deer


5 Indispensable Tools for Hunting Deer

With deer hunting season fast approaching, it’s time to start dusting off all of your equipment. If you’re new to the sport, it can be hard to pick out just what, exactly, is essential to a great hunt. While we’ve advanced in technology since the days of our ancestors’ wooden bows and slings, there are still some things at the core of hunting that never change.

Whether you prefer the bow or the arrow, the number one thing you have to remember is your weapon. Without it, there is no way to kill the game. Keep in mind that what you choose, however, will determine when you are legally allowed to hunt. Bows like compound, recurve and crossbows have a dedicated season different from that of firearms like shotguns and rifles. One last piece of advice, don’t forget the ammo.

Even primal hunters knew the importance of blending with their surroundings. Nowadays, the best and most common is what is known as disruptive coloration as it breaks up your outline, making you harder to spot. Gear can be as simple as a jacket and pants or can include a full body cover made up of the addition of a face mask, head cover, gloves and shoes. These are also designed to be scent free, an added bonus for making you virtually invisible.

Deer Calls
Much like duck hunters have their own calls, deer hunters use different types of calls to lure in a buck. Depending on the season, you will need either a grunt to goad the male out into challenging a potential rival for female attention or a bleat to make them think there is a rutting female nearby. Coupled with scents, calls are essential to luring in the intended game.

Buck Knife with Gut Hook
After the deer is down, it must be dressed before it can be dragged off. For this, you’ll need a sturdy, sharp blade made for gutting. For such an important utility item, you’ll definitely want to invest a bit more money to ensure you get a decent blade and hook that is dependable. Buck knifes, after all, are an indispensable part of any outdoor activity.

Amplifying vision is essential when trying to spot a deer that is fully camouflaged. Like the buck knife, expect to pay more for quality. They generally have wider lenses to bring in more light, making spotting the prey easier. For hunters that prefer a more active hunt, choose something a bit more lightweight and smaller. Most hunters end up going with something around the lines of a 10x42mm.

Be it your first time or your tenth, hunting deer is a different game every year. While the strategy and tactics may change from season to season, what you need to be successful does not. From the proper outfit to the proper sounds, adding any kind of edge to the hunt makes it that much more certain you’ll be bringing home a nice sized buck.


Tyler Sims is the owner of tylersims.com, a premier outfitter in Wyoming elk and antelope hunting.



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6 Replies to “5 Indispensable Tools for Hunting Deer”

      • Adam

        That’s the point! If you’re want to teach a subject and you want folks to keep coming back, to satisfy the advertisers, then you have to have your ducks in a row. Proof reading at the very least can catch mistakes and make you seem more credible. Set yourself apart from the blundering idiots that say “I can do that”.

  1. Mark Graves

    As another boy from Tennessee, I don’t worry to much about spelling either. People who read articles just to correct the grammar of others need to turn their computers off and get outside. Go do something. Go learn something.
    That’s my two cents worth.
    Otherwise James, another good article.

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